Monday, July 30, 2012

Online Roulette Casino Game

The Dizzy Effect of Roulette wheels looking like owls
With online roulette, there are quite a number of betting types that you can make. While the game is quite straight-forward and easy to follow, the various bets add a layer to the game. This means that, while the game isn’t particularly difficult to follow, it has a nice additional layer to it that adds some more details and fun. Now, the online roulette bet choices are as follows. This is just a few of the many choices you’ll have. The straight bet is when you place a bet on one number. For a split bet at the online casino, you place the bet on two numbers that are next to each other. The split bet odds are 17:1. There is also a street bet with online roulette. Here, you place a bet on three numbers horizontally and the odds you’ll get here are 11:1.